We’ve been nominated

We’ve just received news that Memoirs Productions has been shortlisted for the Family Office Review’s Excellence in Specialty Services Award

For the complete list of nominees and all ticket order information for this prestigious event, being held at the Peninsula Hotel in Chicago June 5th, 2014, please click here.

We hope to see you there!


UPDATE: JUNE 6th, 2014

Congratulations to all the winners of the Third Annual Family Office Review Awards! To view the complete list of winners, please click here.

Suzanne Shier, SVP-- Northern Trust and Iris Wagner

Suzanne Shier, SVP– Northern Trust and Iris Wagner

Steffi Claiden, Editor-In-Chief, Family Office Review with Iris Wagner

Steffi Claiden, Editor-In-Chief, Family Office Review with Iris Wagner


It's more than moneyMemoirs Productions and Iris E. Wagner have been featured in Patricia Annino’s latest book “It’s More Than Money, Protect Your Legacy”. In her book Patricia examines how to:

* Focus on what your values are.
* Align those values with your goals.
* Work with your team of advisors to put in place the legal documents and financial framework that will
* Protect you, your family, your charities and your legacy.


“As Iris points out, an ethical will benefits both the narrator and the recipient. It benefits the narrator because it is a celebration of life by which the narrator focuses on meaning, perspective and purpose. It is an open communication with important people…”

This is both a how to do it blueprint and a handbook designed to provoke family discussion, understanding and unity.

The book is now available on Amazon. We highly recommend adding it to your summer reading list!

Living LegaciesIn other noteworthy news

Iris Wagner wrote the Prologue for the recently published Living Legacies – Volume IV, A Collection of Writing by Contemporary Canadian Jewish Women, PK Press 2014