Summer Video Time Capsule: Connecting Generations Through Fun Questions

Summer is the perfect time for families to come together and create lasting memories. This year, why not add a fun and interactive twist to your gatherings with a Video Time Capsule project? Imagine sitting around the picnic table or campfire, not just sharing stories but capturing them for future generations. 

One engaging way to do this is by setting up a talk show-style game where everyone participates in answering easy questions about the family’s history and traditions. While you play, this actually becomes a perfect time to record on video (via smartphone or tablet) the answers to be preserved as a memory and for posterity. 

Begin by asking questions that highlight generational differences. For example, “What kind of phone did you have as a child?” might yield answers like rotary phones, touch tone phones, and smartphones, showcasing how technology has evolved. This can lead to fun conversations about how old technology worked or how older generations might have a harder time adapting to new technology. It’s a delightful way to learn about each other and open up communication across generations.

For this game everyone writes their answers on their own sheet of paper. Once everyone is ready, they reveal their answers at the same time. That way you get a snapshot of the different experiences and can discuss them, adding a layer of fun (likely some laughs!) and learning.

P.S. We would love to hear from you!!!  After you do this Video Time Capsule, kindly reach out to Iris (email/phone/text) to share how the experience was for your family.


For your convenience, you can download the Summer Video Time Capsule Questions PDF and print to use as a script while you record. Most of all, have FUN!

Here are 20 questions to get started

    • What kind of phone did you have as a child?
    • What was your favorite way to listen to music?
    • How did you watch movies at home?
    • What was your first gaming console?
    • What kind of camera did your family use for photos?
    • How did you communicate with friends in elementary school?
    • What was your favorite playground activity?
    • What was a popular snack when you were a kid?
    • What did you use to write school assignments?
    • What was a common family outing?
    • How did you research for school projects?
    • What was your favorite TV show?
    • What type of transportation did you use to get to school?
    • What was a popular toy or game?
    • What was your favorite holiday activity?
    • What was your first pet?

If the youngest participants are old enough

    • How did you keep track of appointments and events?
    • What was your first job?
    • How did you find out the latest news?
    • How did you store and share family photos?