In Honor of Fatherhood: A Meaningful Father’s Day Gift – A Video Experience

Father’s Day is a special occasion that occurs one day a year to honor and appreciate the fathers in our lives. For many of us, our fathers are our “North Stars” guiding us through life with their steadfast support and enduring presence. In my case, my beloved Dad was my “rock” throughout my life, up until his 90’s when he passed. I miss him dearly every day.

While gifts and cards are lovely on Father’s Day, creating a video that captures your father’s wisdom, experiences and love, can be an even more meaningful gift for you to share. All you need is a smartphone and a list of tailored questions to ask your father, which you can find in the blog post.

One of my most cherished possessions is the biographical video interview I did with him over 20 years ago, where I captured all of his life stories and life wisdom. 

Little boy, his father and grandfather lying on bed with smartphones

A homemade video serves not only as a precious keepsake but also as a gift of quality time spent together, deepening bonds and fostering open, heartfelt conversations. It will preserve your father’s voice and expressions and capture his stories and emotions. It’s a dynamic way to document his legacy, allowing future generations when they see it to connect with his personality, values and wisdom in a way that written words alone cannot achieve.

To make the most out of this production, questions should be tailored to the age of the person asking them. This approach ensures that the conversation is engaging and the questions are appropriate, whether they are asked by a young child or an adult. 

Once the video is complete, share the final production with your family and back it up to keep copies safe for future generations to enjoy.

Best Father’s Day wishes to all the exceptional Dads!


Questions to Ask Dad on Father’s Day


Here are questions to get you started, sorted by age. For your convenience, you can download the Questions to Ask Dad on Father’s Day PDF and print to use as a script while you record. Most of all, have FUN!

For Young Children:

    • How did you feel when you found out you were going to be a dad?
    • What is your favorite memory of me as a baby?
    • What is the funniest thing I’ve done so far?
    • What was the most surprising thing about becoming my dad?
    • What do you hope I remember about my early years?
    • What is your favorite activity to do with me right now?
    • What have you learned about yourself since becoming my dad?

For Elementary School Children:

    • What’s your favorite story to read to me?
    • What school activity or event are you most proud of me for?
    • How do you encourage my curiosity and learning?
    • What advice do you give me about making friends?
    • What’s your favorite game or sport to play with me?
    • What lesson do you hope I learn during elementary school?
    • What family tradition do you enjoy most with me?
    • How do you handle challenges or conflicts with me?

For Middle School Children:

    • What’s the biggest change you’ve noticed in me during middle school?
    • How do you support my growing independence?
    • What do you admire most about my personality?
    • What advice do you have for me about handling peer pressure?
    • What hobbies or interests do we share?
    • How do you help me balance school, activities, and relaxation?
    • What’s the most important value you want me to remember?
    • What’s your favorite memory of us from when I was younger?

For High School Children:

    • What were you like in high school?
    • What’s the most important advice you have for my future?
    • How do you support my goals and dreams?
    • What’s your favorite memory of us from my childhood?
    • What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced as my parent?
    • What qualities do you think are most important for me to develop?
    • How do you feel about me becoming more independent?
    • What life lessons do you want me to carry into adulthood?

For Adult Children:

    • What was your proudest moment as my father?
    • How did becoming a father change you?
    • What advice do you have for me as I navigate adulthood?
    • What are the biggest lessons you’ve learned from being a parent?
    • What’s your favorite memory of us together?
    • What values do you hope I continue to uphold?
    • How do you want to be remembered by your grandchildren?
    • What’s one thing you wish you had known when you were my age?

For Adult Children Who Are Fathers Themselves:

    • What advice do you have for me now that I’m a father too?
    • What was the biggest challenge you faced raising me?
    • How did you balance work and family life?
    • What are your favorite memories of raising me?
    • How did you approach discipline and guidance with me?
    • What’s the most important lesson you want me to pass on to my children?
    • How do you see fatherhood changing across generations?
    • What are you most proud of in your journey as a father and now a grandfather?