Our Mothers: Bless them all!

Today would be my beloved Mom Shirley Wagner’s birthday. I dedicate this blog in memory of her. 


As Mother’s Day approaches this year, it is a perfect time to reflect on the profound impact our mothers have had on our lives. From nurturing us in our earliest days to guiding us through life’s challenges, their influence is undeniable. Mothers are unparalleled in their ability to offer unconditional love and care. From the moment we arrive, they embrace us with tenderness and support, guiding us through life’s ups and downs.

Mothers play a pivotal role in shaping our values and beliefs through both their actions and teachings during our formative years. From the simple act of leading by example to more deliberate conversations, they instill in us the principles that guide our decisions and interactions with the world.

Reflecting on our own experiences with our mothers, memories flood our minds. Whether it’s the comforting embrace during a difficult time or the gentle guidance through life’s uncertainties, their presence has been a constant source of strength and reassurance.

I lost my beloved Mother a few years ago, and still miss her and think of her each and every day. She was an amazing Mom all my life, but especially in our adult-adult relationship– she was my very best friend. The life wisdom she imparted to me still guides me to this day. She was one very special woman and I am so grateful that she was my Mom! 

Expressing gratitude to our mothers is not only important but essential. They have dedicated their lives to nurturing, supporting, and guiding us, often making countless sacrifices along the way. On Mother’s Day, consider meaningful gestures to demonstrate your gratitude. Whether it’s a heartfelt letter or a poem, a thoughtful gift, or simply spending quality time together, the key is to make it personal and heartfelt.

As Mother’s Day approaches, let’s take time to reflect on and appreciate the indispensable role of our own mothers. For those whose mothers are no longer with us, let’s cherish their memory and the lasting impact they’ve had on our lives. Whether through fond memories, cherished traditions, or quiet moments of reflection, let’s honor their legacy and express gratitude for the love and support they provided.

We love you Moms! Happy Birthday Shirley! 

Happy, Healthy wishes to all Mothers on Mother’s Day 2024! 

Enhancing Personal Connection: The Power of Face-to-Face and Voice-to-Voice Interaction

This blog is “Part Two” to our last month’s blog- “Talk! Don’t Text: Strengthening Intergenerational Bonds Through Conversation,” on the subject of fostering meaningful family connections. In today’s fast-paced digital world, text messages dominate as a mode of communication and personal connection frequently gets lost. The importance of refraining from using texting as the main means of communication, is of paramount importance during these stressful times.


Prioritizing Face-to-Face Communication

When comparing face-to-face communication with text messaging, the differences are profound. Non-verbal cues like facial expressions, emotional reactions of laughter and/or sighing are all examples of body language and voice that can add layers of meaning to interactions. Those cues help foster emotional understanding and build trust. These emotional cues are not available via texting. The irreplaceable value of in-person connection that can aid in deepening love and respect, especially between generations of family members is clearly missing.

At the heart of building personal connection lies storytelling. Whether sharing family lore of the past or planning of future adventures, storytelling weaves a tapestry of experiences and emotions that are shared. These narratives foster empathy and strengthen the bonds that bind family members together.

Picture the warmth in your grandmother’s voice as she shares a childhood memory, or the twinkle in your father’s eye as he recounts an adventure from his youth. These moments breathe life into family relationships, forging bonds that transcend time and distance. Even deep family values can be viewed from that lens. 

And then there are the times of togetherness, the shared laughter around the dinner table or the quiet moments spent watching the sunset. Those are the memories that linger long after the moment has passed.

While text messaging has its place in our day-to-day lives, it can never substitute for the meaningful connections only in-person interactions can create. Even when proximity does not allow for physical presence, technology can bridge the gap through video or audio chat features, enabling loved ones to connect more deeply.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of exploration and discovery. Together, let’s embrace the power of personal connection and celebrate the richness of face-to-face and voice-to-voice interaction. Please…take some time to talk to your parents and grandparents!

Talk! Don’t Text: Strengthening Intergenerational Bonds Through Conversation

In today’s fast-paced digital age, communication often revolves around text messages, emails, and social media interactions. While these methods offer convenience for the generations that were born with it, and some elders who have become used to it, they all lack the depth and intimacy found in verbal communication. While text messages convey small bits of information efficiently, they often lack the ability to convey stories effectively. 

In my opinion, there is nothing that beats a heartfelt phone/video call between a grandparent and a grandchild. 

Family stories are precious lore passed down from one generation to the next and are best shared in person. However, when this is not possible due to time or distance constraints, video or voice calls serve as the next best choice. Voice conversations bring stories to life allowing family members to share anecdotes. The emotional resonance that comes from reminiscing about shared experiences, and with passing down oral traditions, will result in strengthening family bonds and identity.

Voice calls enable the listener to ask follow-up questions, delve deeper into experiences, or pivot to other topics, fostering meaningful interactions. To share laughter (or a tear)  on a voice call with a loved one will always be very meaningful!

Consider reaching out to a family member today to share one of your life’s stories. Here’s a suggestion: if you’d like to engage with someone from a younger generation who may not pick up their phone to answer a call, try sending them a voice memo with a family story! It can be a simple yet effective way to spark meaningful conversations and strengthen connections with your loved ones. And hopefully – they will likely listen to and save it!

Navigating Life’s Journey: The Impact of Mentorship

When we look back on the story and experiences of our life, it is important to recognize and applaud the influence of those who helped shape it. January, celebrated as Mentorship Month, offers a unique opportunity to reflect on the role mentors play in inspiring transformation in both our personal and professional lives. 

Mentoring, an age-old practice, continues to be a vital part of growth and development in various facets of life. It’s more than just guidance; it’s a symbiotic relationship where both mentor and mentee grow, learn, and benefit. The essence of this relationship lies in the transfer of knowledge, skills, and experiences.

Mentors, with their wealth of experience, offer guidance to navigate challenges, whether they be in a professional setting, academics, or personal growth. Their advice can serve as a compass, helping mentees steer in the right direction, avoid common pitfalls, and make informed decisions. As Steven Spielberg said, “The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves.”

Since I founded Memoirs Productions 24 years ago, I have been fortunate to mentor numerous personal historians along with family office advisors who have crossed my path and who are trying to include legacy preservation in their work. All these interactions have been memorable, as I have learned (almost) as much from them as they have learned from me. In addition, it has been very rewarding for me to see them succeed. 

Recognizing and appreciating mentors is important. Mentorship Month serves as a reminder to express gratitude to those who have guided us. A simple thank you (note/email/phone call), sharing success stories, or acknowledging their influence in our journey can mean a lot to mentors. It is also an opportunity for us to “pay it forward” by mentoring others, thereby continuing the cycle of growth and development for others.

We should all consider becoming mentors. It is giving work where we can contribute to a culture of learning, sharing, and growth that benefits individuals and communities. Mentorship is not just about helping mentees build a brighter future. It is also about creating a more knowledgeable, empathetic, and connected world.

Grandmother and grand-daughter

Unlocking Conversational Treasures: The Grandparent-Grandchild “Ask Me Anything”

In the tapestry of life, there’s a unique thread woven with laughter, wisdom, and endless love—the bond between grandparents and grandchildren. This relationship, often described as one of life’s greatest treasures, holds the key to a wealth of untold stories and valuable lessons shared. It’s the connection that transcends generations, nurturing the roots of our family tree.

But have you ever considered asking your grandchildren to interview you? Akin to conducting an “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) session with a real-life sage—you.

In today’s fast-paced world, where the answers to any question are often just a click away, the art of conversing — even with grandparents — sometimes takes a back seat. However, there’s magic in those conversations that cannot be replicated by searching online.

We recently directed and recorded an AMA interview session between a 70+ year old client and his young adult 20+ year old grandchild. My crew and I were all moved by the profound impact of the experience, as we watched it unfold for them. As they embarked on their AMA journey, we discovered an even deeper connection and a newfound appreciation that was evident for each other.

Grandmother and grand-daughter

The questions asked were not just about the past but also about aspirations, dreams, life lessons and hopes for the future. The result? An amazing recorded video conversation – originally intended to be 30-40 minutes, ended up being close to 90 minutes– and it all felt like 5 minutes! The discussions, touching moments, and even shared laughter left an indelible mark on both of them, as they told me afterwards. And without any prompting from me– the grandchild declared how grateful he was to now have this legacy video as something to show his grandchildren one day!

So, dear grandparents, consider this: seize the opportunity to invite your grandchildren to embark on their own “Ask Me Anything” adventure with you. Let the magic of storytelling and shared experiences bridge the generational gap. Encourage them to capture these precious moments using their smartphone cameras, for in the years to come, these recordings will be cherished heirlooms (as long as they remember to back them up)!

In a world of constant change, the bond between grandparents and grandchildren remains a steadfast anchor. It’s a timeless connection that only grows richer with each shared story. Embrace the unique opportunity to have your grandchildren ask you about your life, for your words are more than answers—they are the keys to understanding your family’s legacy.

AFTER LIFE: The Enduring Impact of Videos from Departed Loved Ones

After Life, the acclaimed British television show, written, produced and directed by Ricky Gervais has touched the hearts of many with its poignant portrayal of grief and the transformative power of videos left behind by deceased loved ones. This blog delves into the priceless nature of these videos, exploring how they provide comfort, healing, and a sense of connection to those we’ve lost. The immense value of preserving these memories and the positive effects they have on the grieving process, through videos of loved ones is immeasurable.


When we lose a loved one, their comforting words and guidance become irreplaceable. However, videos left behind offer a lifeline, capturing their expressions, laughter, and wisdom for us to cherish long after they are gone. From heartfelt messages to shared moments of joy, these videos become treasured tokens of their love and guidance, providing solace during difficult times.

Thanks to technological advancements, recording and sharing videos has become effortless, making it possible for our loved ones to record lasting messages that we may view also once they have passed. With smartphones, tablets, webcams, social media, and cloud storage, these videos can be preserved easily and accessed whenever needed. The thoughtfulness behind these gestures enhances their emotional impact, underlining the importance of these messages.

Videos left behind by deceased loved ones play a significant role in the healing process, as the character played by Ricky Gervais – Tony Johnson–  learned from his wife’s recordings made before she passed. They offered him solace and reassurance, reminding him that she is still with him in spirit. By hearing her voice and seeing her facial expressions, he found moments of respite amid grief. These videos provided a safe space to express emotions, seek guidance, and maintain a connection, fostering a sense of healing and continued support, albeit with his dog always by his side!


Extensive research has explored the effect of videos left behind on the grieving process. These videos validate and support individuals emotionally, helping them process their grief and find meaning in their loss, as “Tony” experienced throughout this TV series. They facilitated a path for him to adopt healthier coping mechanisms, aided in finding closure, and promoted resilience. Watching these videos evoked positive memories, and fostered gratitude for the time he spent with his wife.

As we all navigate grief’s complexities, loved ones’ videos can become cherished keepsakes, offering comfort and strength during challenging times. It is important for us to recognize the profound significance they hold in our lives, bringing solace and support in the midst of recovering from loss.

What I know for sure is that I deeply cherish my dearly departed parents’ and my deceased clients’ videos, as part of my prized possessions. Furthermore, as I have been often quoted, “If a picture is worth a thousand words…then how much is a video of a loved one worth?”  


P.S. If you haven’t seen After Life– don’t miss it. It’s definitely not as sad as one might think– Ricky Gervais is a brilliant writer/ humorist. And as some would say, many comedies stem from tragedy. 



Celebrating the Evolving Art of Fatherhood

Father’s Day is a special occasion that allows us to honor and appreciate the role of fathers in our lives. Have you ever stopped to consider how, throughout history, the role of the father has evolved significantly? 

Early on, as recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible, acts of fatherhood were often used as means to impart wisdom and values to their children, nurturing their growth and character. As an example, in Genesis 49, as Jacob was nearing the end of his life, he called his sons together to impart his values and blessings, and share with them his hopes, dreams and wishes for the future. 

This story is a record of the earliest form of an ethical will– a moment in time when an individual passes down their values, principles, and guidance to future generations. Jacob used this opportunity to shape the future actions and behaviors of his sons by sharing his wisdom and insights.

The Changing Roles of Fathers through Time

As centuries passed, the concept of fatherhood evolved, adapting to the changing societal landscape. Fathers became not just providers and disciplinarians but also nurturers, mentors, and role models. The focus shifted from solely fulfilling material needs to fostering emotional connection, offering guidance, and being actively involved in their children’s lives.

In present times fathers continue to adapt to the ever-changing world. They navigate the complexities of technology, shifting gender roles, and new societal expectations while staying true to their core values. In a world filled with distractions and instant gratification, fathers strive to instill timeless values like honesty, respect, resilience, and empathy in their children, fostering their emotional well-being and shaping their character.

Different Types of Fathers

While biological fathers hold a special place in a child’s life, it is essential to acknowledge the impact of stepfathers, mentors, and role models. Stepfathers take on a challenging role, showing love and support as they help merge families together. Mentors provide guidance and wisdom to those who may not have a father figure in their lives. Role models inspire and set examples for children, leaving a lasting impression on their values and aspirations.

The Art of Fatherhood: No Guidebook, Just Love

Parenting is often described as an art rather than a science. It definitely doesn’t come with a step-by-step guide or a manual (although parents often wish they had one!). Every child is unique, and fathers must navigate through the challenges and triumphs with love, patience, and adaptability every single day. It is a journey of learning and growing together.

During this special time of year, I remember my own father. His love, guidance, and unwavering support  shaped me into the person I am today. I will forever treasure the memory of him, in his final hours of life, bolting upright in his bed after days of being more asleep than awake, and clearly saying to me, “I hope I was a good father to you.” I am so grateful and blessed that I got to tell him that he was the very best! This Father’s Day, like each one since he left us, I will light a candle in remembrance of the amazing man and father he was. I love and miss you, Dad!

Best Father’s Day wishes to all the exceptional fathers! 


SPRING Into Gratitude

Gratitude has been a popular topic in recent years, with many people advocating for incorporating daily gratitude practices into our lives. Oprah Winfrey and Brené Brown are just a few examples of prominent figures who have spoken about the benefits of being thankful for what we have and focusing on the positive in our lives. But while it may seem simple to be grateful, how often do we actually take time to reflect on the things we are thankful for?

Some experts suggest taking a few moments before bed each day to list three things we are grateful for, as this helps us start each day with a positive mindset. By making gratitude a regular part of our daily routine through journaling or other rituals, we can reap the benefits and experience greater happiness. Aside from my personal gratitude journal, my husband and I have made it a habit to begin our daily walk in the woods sharing our “gratitudes”.

Preserving our legacy is another important practice that can bring benefits to our lives. Unlike gratitude practices, legacy preservation may not be something we do every day, but it is still a valuable exercise in reflecting on the past and considering our future. By reflecting on our experiences and documenting the stories that have shaped us, we create a permanent and shareable record(ing) that can inspire and guide future generations. In this way, our legacy can help guide and shape the future, even after we are gone.

Incorporating legacy preservation as a ritual around holiday celebrations can be a powerful way to give ourselves and future generations the gift of our values, beliefs, wisdom, hopes and dreams. Writing a legacy letter, or recording oneself on a smartphone at a family gathering like Easter or Passover,  as examples, can be a meaningful way to reflect on our lives and express our love and wishes for our family. The act of writing the letter or storytelling on a smart device can deepen our appreciation for those closest to us, and the finished product will provide a lasting record(ing) of our feelings for future generations. For more on writing legacy letters, kindly click here.

At Memoirs Productions, we highly encourage you to practice preserving your legacy at any time you’re thinking of gratitudes. We believe you will be grateful for this experience! Wishing you all the best for Spring 2023!

Preserving Gratitude and Stories at Thanksgiving: A Family Legacy

Celebrations of the Thanksgiving holiday might be a great time and place to preserve some of your family’s history and stories. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a stark reminder that life is precious and that life events can hit hard at any time. For the first time since 2019, multi-generational families can gather around the table to share a festive meal together. Thanksgiving dinner sets the perfect scene for conversation, laughter, and most importantly– storytelling.

Breaking bread together is one of the oldest and most fundamental unifying human experiences. In today’s divisive political climate, reaching that unified feeling might be challenging, but keeping our family close is more important than ever. Being with our elders, as the living links to our ancestors help us understand the values we share and our own family’s history.

Recalling memories, reminiscing, and storytelling with our family members is so important. Doing so helps solidify our bonds and give us glimpses into our loved ones’ lives and personalities, from the time before we were born. This presents a golden opportunity to record what will become treasured archives of communication with your elderly loved ones.

Some families also share in the ritual at the dinner table with everyone taking a turn sharing their gratitude(s). We have worked with special families who have on an annual basis, placed a recording device on their table to record conversation for major milestone events: big family vacations/trips, holiday meals, birthday/anniversary celebrations. The hours of recordings become cherished archives, often once the elder has passed on.

How to do it… Technology Tips

Does an audio recording using your mobile phone’s voice memo function suit your family best? A smartphone can unobtrusively sit on the table (helps with the shy folk!), as close as possible to the speaker. You may want to test your microphone range, as it might work best from the middle of the table, if there is not too much surrounding noise. I recommend stopping and restarting the recording between speakers, when possible. It will be easier to share, listen to and even edit recordings if they’re shorter rather than longer.

You could also choose to video record, capturing expressions and gestures – even other family members’ reactions – as loved ones share their stories. Setting up your mobile phone or IPad/tablet on a small tripod (easily available on Amazon.com—some even come with lighting attached), helps avoid camera shake and lets the recorder feel a sense of importance. Once again, try to stop and start between storytellers for easier sharing and better file management (i.e., you can title your files/folders by family member name or story being told).

Lastly, do keep these precious recordings from living solely on your device or in your cloud storage. Sharing these files so other family members can have access is a good habit. Do you have a family WhatsApp chat? A private family Facebook group? Or any other preferred way to share files? Uploading them ensures others have access and they can replay the recordings to enjoy the joy, laughter, or maybe even tears, that were shared.

Starting and recording these legacy-preserving conversations can make our usual Thanksgiving experience and elevate it to one of the most meaningful and unforgettable family celebrations yet. Why wait? Please make 2022 the first story archiving year for your family!

Need help getting the conversation started or directing it? Here are our top five recommended questions to get and keep the conversation going.

• Tell me about your childhood or biggest highlight in your childhood years.
• Tell me about the traditions that have been passed down through our family. How did they get started?
• What are your most vivid memories of school?
• How did you meet your spouse?
• What wisdom or advice would you like to share with future generations?